Based on your answers for analysis your organisation is currently Developing
For analysis you scored your organisation 3.5 out of 5
The average score for analysis in the benchmark group is 3 out of 5
Analysis across the sector
Your Current Stage
Embedding systems for analysing meaningful and useful data.
More consistent and regular approach to data reporting and trends analysis on users/needs, activity, outcomes and impact.
Monitors what’s happening in present as well as what’s happened in the past.
Some forward looking analysis/forecasts may challenge views of future performance.
Analysis is more diagnostic about where/why things happened e.g. exploring root causes, clustering, patterns, anomalies, discovering differences and trends. Some attempts at A/B testing. Occasional use of predictive analytics in some areas e.g. timeseries/forecasting.
Aware of difference between correlation and causality.
Routine data analysis is partially automated and partially manually collated from different sources.
Presentation and communication of data is honed to ensure its meaning is understood.
Some use of dashboards and/or businesses intelligence systems.
Beginning to explore interactive data visualisation.
Both static and real-time dynamic reporting conducted for different audiences, some may be available for non-specialists to independently access.
The next stage up for your organisation is
Analysis extends beyond the organisation to its wider context with cooperative analyses performed with partners/other agencies.
Analysis extends through descriptive, diagnostic, predictive, and prescriptive techniques.
May conduct Randomised Control Trials.
More focus on what will happen in the future with forecasting and predictive models to plan for the future needs of beneficiaries, target services, increase income, and maximise impact.
Advanced prescriptive analytics support decision-making on how do things in the best way e.g. optimisation of location, staff/volunteer capacity, recommending decisions for effective intervention, experimental design, simulation, artificial intelligence.
Data from different sources is brought together and analysed in an automated way to provide an organisation-wide analysis.
Dashboards, business intelligence systems, visualisation tools draw from data warehouse.
Data visualisation delivers meaningful analysis to different internal and external audiences.
Non data specialists are able to interactively explore, analyse and report on the organisation’s data.