In Depth

Uses Overview

Based on your answers for uses your organisation is currently Learning
For uses you scored your organisation 2.1 out of 5
The average score for uses in the benchmark group is 3.3 out of 5

Uses across the sector

Your Current Stage


  • Collect data to be able to understand and evidence the types of clients/ needs and problems the organisation addresses. Uses both internal and reliable external data sources to do so.
  • Starting to use data to understand different ways clients initially contact and engage with services over time (or not).
  • Able to demonstrate activities being delivered for specific types of users across a range of projects and services.
  • Capturing some outcomes data and learning to measure outcomes consistently.
  • Starting to capture feedback, monitoring and evaluation data on service/product quality and performance to inform improvements.
  • Use data for income generation and some forecasting of sales and donations leading to more effective fundraising and commercial income.
  • Starting to lead conversations with funders and partners using data.
  • Building internal knowledge and expertise based on the analysis of data and dialogue on how to act on this.
  • Strategic planning, particularly around efficiency and service development, is becoming more data informed.

The next stage up for your organisation is


  • All client, activity, output, and outcomes data is routinely collected.
  • Services/products/campaigns are monitored to show performance on how, when and where these are used by whom.
  • Services/products/campaigns are starting to be targeted at specific demographics and/or geographic locations in response to better understanding of needs/problems.
  • Services/products/campaigns are regularly reviewed and adapted in response to data to optimise outcomes.
  • Beginning to test assumptions on how the organisation has an impact and for whom.
  • Starting to differentiate between approaches and understand what’s working and what’s not.
  • Able to differentiate and explain attribution and contribution in evidencing and communicating impact.
  • Exploring and learning how to measure long term impact.
  • Data is starting to be used to inform efficiency savings (resources, processes and service/product design).
  • Can coherently make the case to funders/investors/clients for existing and new services/products/campaigns.
  • Learning and evaluation is embedded internally and informs both service and staff performance.
  • Strategic planning and decision making is becoming considerably data informed.
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