In Depth

Skills Overview

Based on your answers for skills your organisation is currently Learning
For skills you scored your organisation 2.6 out of 5
The average score for skills in the benchmark group is 3 out of 5

Skills across the sector

Your Current Stage


  • Beginning to understand needs around data skills and capabilities.
  • Dedicated person/team in charge of data, perhaps a data manager or senior administrator. Some skilled data people in other roles, though perhaps with limited capacity to fulfil the task.
  • Adequate data analysis/reporting skills with some investment in more advanced skills e.g. Database/CRM administrator.
  • Commitment to improving data literacy.
  • Exploring up-skilling and recruitment to fill skills gaps.
  • In house or externally provided training for using data systems.
  • Staff have basic data protection and security training though might not be very confident.
  • Establishing relationships with external support and advice, mostly around specific tools, systems or projects with some skills development.

The next stage up for your organisation is


  • Understand different skill sets within data and analytics.
  • Dedicated skilled analytics roles established with several people responsible for data in different roles/ teams.
  • Possibly a senior person/team bringing organisation-wide data together.
  • Increased data literacy/responsibility across the organisation.
  • Individuals responsible for data have advanced skills and regularly engage in learning to ensure responsible and ethical practices, develop further skills, and improve systems, and embed these across the organisation.
  • Staff know how to respond to subject access requests (where individuals request a copy of their data) or changes in preferences on personal data.
  • Staff know how to respond to a data breach, potential breach, or near miss.
  • Regular use of advanced external expertise and specialist suppliers.
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