In Depth

Data Overview

Based on your answers for data your organisation is currently Emerging
For data you scored your organisation 1.5 out of 5
The average score for data in the benchmark group is 3.3 out of 5

Data across the sector

Your Current Stage


  • Data collection is both on paper and in digital forms though there may be inconsistencies and inefficiencies in approach.
  • Staff may not be trained in data collection.
  • Data is regarded as meaningful or useful primarily for meeting external legal/funder/contract requirements.
  • It may be patchy and inconsistent with gaps and duplications.
  • Data is rarely updated and cleaned.
  • Mixed levels of confidence and trust in data.
  • Starting to find out what data is available internally. Know where most data assets are but there may be more squirrelled away in parts of the organisation.
  • Occasional use of external information sources relating to the wider context of the organisation’s work.

The next stage up for your organisation is


  • Though errors remain, data collection methods and processes are being improved.
  • Staff are trained in data collection.
  • Data is reviewed to assess how relevant, meaningful, and necessary it is.
  • The organisation knows how good or bad its different data sets are; and knows which data sources can/can’t be trusted.
  • Gaps, overlaps, and mismatches in the available data have been identified.
  • Data is becoming richer, more relational and therefore versatile.
  • Starting to explore how internal data (perhaps in multiple, fragmented or isolated locations) can be shared and utilised.
  • Additional internal and external data is sourced.
  • All data assets are known but may not be formally recorded.
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