In Depth

Culture Overview

Based on your answers for culture your organisation is currently Emerging
For culture you scored your organisation 2 out of 5
The average score for culture in the benchmark group is 3.4 out of 5

Culture across the sector

Your Current Stage


  • Data is seen as the responsibility of ‘someone else’, usually in an administrative role.
  • Recognition that data should be collected but it is not seen as a ‘whole team’ activity.
  • Data mostly sought out and used to support and evidence what the organisation already believes or knows.
  • Organisation’s culture doesn’t encourage data sharing across teams, though this may occur occasionally verbally or via reports.
  • Data never shared externally except for legal/contractual reporting purposes.
  • Basic policies for data protection and security may be in place but not monitored or enforced.

The next stage up for your organisation is


  • Data is starting to be recognised as important at a more senior level.
  • People across the organisation are starting to talk about how they can work together to deliver better data for decision making.
  • Beginning to ask challenging questions of the data: why? What’s changing? what difference are we making? (mostly about the past.)
  • Access to data may be limited by default rather than design.
  • People would like to share more but may be constricted by access/permissions/cultural barriers.
  • Some data insights are shared with partners, networks, and in the public domain.
  • Data protection and security policies are in place.
  • Senior management have some limited understanding of legislation and the organisation’s responsibilities.
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