In Depth

Analysis Overview

Based on your answers for analysis your organisation is currently Emerging
For analysis you scored your organisation 1.8 out of 5
The average score for analysis in the benchmark group is 3 out of 5

Analysis across the sector

Your Current Stage


  • Analyses starting to explore client characteristics and target audiences.
  • May include use of external research relating to the context e.g. to evidence scale of need/problems.
  • Basic analysis, using counts and spreadsheets.
  • People verbally report on data as part of strategic discussions.
  • Analysis and report creation skills are being explored though results may be variable.
  • Bar charts and pie charts may be the only types of analytical presentations.

The next stage up for your organisation is


  • Whole-organisation analyses are beginning to be performed on an ad-hoc basis.
  • Beginning to focus on what analysis is meaningful and useful.
  • Starting to identify what data should be routinely analysed and potentially automated.
  • Analysis is mostly descriptive about what happened in the past e.g. summarising the overview, averages, variation, range.
  • Comparative trend analysis is starting to be conducted over time (perhaps on an annual basis).
  • Exploration and use of filters and cross tabs are being used to delve further into data.
  • Data is manually collated in reports using data from different sources.
  • Data is manually reworked for presentation in written reports for different internal/external audiences.
  • Learning how to create more sophisticated graphs and presentations of the data (though audiences may find them difficult to interpret and understand).
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